Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More soundbites: Everything I want to say in tasty, bitesized, intellectual snacks!

It happened yet again. Life got in the way.
As I said in my previous post, well, sometimes things get crazy and since I do not have internet in my home (Cuz Im cheap..or broke...or both) sometimes the thoughts that come to me have to wait until I can get to a computer. And by then, the world has moved on to other things.
But lately, stuff has happened that makes me want to blog my butt off. And so I sit infront of the computer at my mom's house (Like I said, I'm cheap and broke, and my mom makes me dinner occasionally), realizing that there are so many things to talk about, yet if I did so, I would be writing several posts as opposed to just one that adresses them all.
So I will be as thrifty with both your time and mine, as I am with my money. Here goes:
  • So Joe Wilson interrupted Obama's speech, calling him a liar. The response seems to be that his remarks were racist. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't white people get called "liar" now and then? Do I recall a certain, recent president being called a liar daily? Indeed I do! Obviously, it's not nice to call anyone a liar, although sometimes said name is correct, but why is it alright, even patriotic, to call a president a liar if he is white, but if he's black, its somehow racially motivated?' By the by, Wilson has apologized, and President Obama has accepted, and they have moved on. So why is the issue still going on? I don't know, but wouldn't it have been cool if Kanye West had interrupted Obama instead of Wilson? It would have been more fun, AND the whole race card thing would never have even been brought up! Taylor Swift probably would have liked it as well.
  • Speaking of the race card (a term coined during the OJ Simpson trial; Thanks ALOT, Team OJ!), it turns out that all the opposition to the Health Care reform is racially motivated as well. So sayith Jimmy Carter, our fine ex President who, during the disco era, made economic decisions that helped us to be in the mess we are in today, who criticized the then Shah of Iran as being too pro- American, and remains anti Zionist (How can you be a Christian and not support Israel??) And now, he says we can't accept a black president, and that's what the real problem is. So, will someone please tell Mr. Carter that if we really couldn't accept a black president....we would have voted for someone else!
  • Did you know that there are rules in Congress now, that one cannot call anyone a liar, a hypocrit, or intellectually dishonest? So reported by Talk radio show host Michael Savage, of The Savage Nation. Scary. Here I thought we were in a nation that embraces free speech, and allows criticism of politicians. I guess you can only hurl that stuff at Republicans.

Okay, snack time is over. Go brush your teeth.

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