Monday, June 8, 2009

Wordbites: Things I wish to blog about in bitesized bits.

Life being what it is (crazy, chaotic, untamable), I rarely have time to get online and put in my 2 cents in. I had the best of intentions when I started blogging, but as soon as I have the time to do so, I find I am exhausted, not to mention I'm probably too late. This is the information age, and just as I decide where I stand on an issue, the rest of the world is off and talking about something else.
So, instead of a deep analysis of what's out there, I will just list a few things that I would blog about, if time permitted. Think of me as the momma bird, chewing the worms for you (Ehhh...not the best mental picture, but whatever works).

1. Okay, I used to like Obama, but I changed my mind at the eleventh hour. Let's face it, he's a nice guy. I like him. But I refuse to join the cult of personality. Yes, we are all tired, scared, and unsure, and Obama's voice has that strong and soothing tone we want to hear, but are we really listening to what he is saying?

2. The economy is in the toilet for many reasons, but the biggest reason is that during the Carter administration, the laws changed so that people with less than great credit or income could qualify for loans and mortgages; while not everyone who benefitted from this change was inept at paying bills, many were, and the trend continued for thirty years until now. To only a slightly lesser degree is the general lack of personal responsability to blame. If everyone is living beyond one's means, skipping bills, getting repossessed, and declaring bankrupcy, what can we expect to happen?

3. Shouldn't there be a law against sending money out of the country to take care of family back in Buttsylvania? I'm not talking the occasional gift of coin, but a steady stream of money. Look, I'm not being racist, elitist, or any other kind of ist, but think of money as the blood of a nation. If you bleed profusely, you die. If money is not circulating in the economy, the nation becomes weak and eventually dies. So, shouldn't we get a bandaid going here?

4. So under the Bush administration, we lost certain civil liberties. Under Obama, we're loosing financial liberties. The government is now enjoying unfettered intercourse with business, and there's not a condom in sight (not even the really cool glow in the dark, ribbed ones). Capitalism works when badly managed businesses go under and healthy businesses thrive. Call it financial Darwinism. The government has no business bailing out anyone. If Obama wants to help, he should stand back and let nature take its course.

5. If I see one more Hannah Montana anything, I will scream.

6. Athiesm contends that there is no God, and there is no scientific proof of God. But then, there is no scientific proof against God. In order to say with certainty that there is no God, one would have to be absolutely sure; omnipotent, if you will. Which would make one...God.