Thursday, May 7, 2009

In the begining....

Something you should know right off...This is not my first time.
I've blogged before, but they were practice runs. Sure, I still have a blog on WordPress, but haven't updated it in a long time, mainly because I can't remember my password. Also, the longer I wait to go there, the more awkward it feels; kind of like when you mean to call your friend, and you just don't get around to it, and the longer it takes the weirder it is. I know, not the same thing, but close enough.
Like old boyfriends, I had a different relationship with each blog. Some I ended simply because the chemistry wasn't right. Others had begun spontaniously, but lost fizzle. And some were just not user friendly.
It is strange that I would liken old blogs to old relationships, since I recently had a relationship end. It was a bizarre setup anyway, being as how we were between friends and lovers. We set the goal, but just couldn't get there (His drug use may have had something to do with that), and like him, there are blogs that you just love and always will, but there are too many things in the way.
So here I am, trying once more to get my opinions and views out there for the whole world to read. I aspire to be the PerezHilton of the Christian set, only less gay and angry. The trouble is, how do I make it happen and stand out against the countless blogs out there right now?
Oh, how I want to be one of THE bloggers who get quoted on CNN and who are invited to weigh in on hot and heavy topics. I want to see my name in Time and Newsweek. And darn it all, I want to be a judge at the next Miss America pagent and ask controversial questions like, "Miss North Dakota, what do you think about intelligent design?"
Just as I had high aspirations for my last relationship (and until he decided he loved meth more than he loved me, I had reason for such high hopes), I also have high aspirations for this blog. And as long as said blog doesn't go out seeking one night stands and scoring anal nitrate, we should be fine.
But enough about him.
I am hoping to be the irrevernt Christian voice. Godly, but funny and real. I don't know how that's going to go over, to be honest. There are those who think Christians can't have a sense of humor, and if that's the case, I've been Hellbound for years because I do tend to poke fun at things that I probably shouldn't. And I take issue with things other people tend to ignore, or atleast pretend not to notice. Hey, our God is perfect. The rest of us need a lot of work, and we may as well face that reality and do something about it.
The church is in trouble. One of the reasons for this is not the theology, but the people. I have met several people who have no problem believing in Jesus, but darned if the church doesn't get in the way. Ghandi himself said that he liked Christ, but not Christians. And I have been in the faith, not to mention in the pulpit, long enough to see what he meant.
But lest you think my mission is to point a boney finger at what is wrong with the Christian community, let me say that it is not (Although there will be some of that). Nor is it to aim said finger at the ills and evils of society (there will be some of that as well) or to point out the folly of the people we elect to, ah, lead us (Oh, there will be lots of that!). It is simply to give you my perspective, as a person, as an American, as a woman, and most of all, as a believer.
It's my hope that this blog serves as fodder for discussion, debate, and that it causes you to laugh now and then. And if it inspires Perez Hilton to call me bad names because I don't believe in two dudes cornholing under the guise of marriage, well, perhaps I will get that mention on CNN after all.


  1. Two things,
    One, PerezHilton but less gay and angry? Hilarious.
    Two, what in the hell is anal nitrate?

  2. Kayla, I am glad you are laughing! The more I pick on him, the more likely he is to see this post (Im pretty sure some self-googling goes on at his house)and thus my semi-evil plot to get free publicity will be set in motion! Ha! Well, it's at least an honest manipulation, as my ex (or shall I say my "Why" used to say). Speaking of said ex, of your question...Im not sure if he ever tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point. Anyway, it is a drug that is inserted into the body via the anal cavity and absorbed by the lining of that particular cavity. Again, I don't know if he did, or if he didn't, but how many chances will I have to use the term "Anal nitrate" in a blog? Not many, I presume, so I had to jump on it.
